
Advantages of Wing Chun:
Physical fitness: Due to the quick hand movements required by Wing Chun, it’s especially good for getting your heart rate up and shedding weight.
Coordination: One of the great things about Wing Chun is that we train both sides of our bodies (the left and right sides). Better still is the fact that Wing Chun, and kung fu in general, trains you to use fine motor skill to fight.
Mental health: Like many forms of martial arts, Wing Chun has many mental health benefits. The first and most obvious benefit comes in the form of stress relief. It is effective, fast, based on proven principles of physics, and trains the people physical, emotinally and mentally.
Self defence: Wing Chun is an art form which develops self confidence, awareness and is a vessel for self discovery. Of course Wing Chun is an extremely effective method of self defence.
Better speed and power: Where as lifting weights will make your muscles stronger, Wing Chun will teach you how to use your muscles to be stronger.