JustFit Sport Center

Since 2008...

JustFit Sport Center, has started to provide service to its members in 2008, at Istanbul / “Kadıköy-Altıyol”.

By 2017, JustFit continues to give service at Istanbul / “Kadıköy-Moda”, within Saint-Joseph’s Association’s Recreational Facility.

Professional and Reliable Service

JustFit is being managed by Dr. Kaan Avcı who is also a sportsman in addition to being a medical doctor. Moreover, JustFit attaches particular importance to provide professional and reliable cardio and fitness services that supported with regular doctor and personal trainer controls.

High Level Technical Equipment

Each detail of JustFit’s new sports hall is designed by taking into account its members’ all primary needs like comfort, hygiene, accessibility etc. Also, its technical equipments are all “Technogym” brand which has the leading role in gym sector.

Membership Advantages

JustFit members can take advantage of free studio classes like Pilates, Yoga, Zumba, Indoor Cycling, TRX, AHL, Express Core, Circuit Training etc.

They also can have special discount to benefit from pool & tennis courts of Club Quartier within Saint-Josep’s Association’s Recreational Facility.

Body Perception of JustFit

At JustFit, we use our energy, proficiency, physical conditions and human resources by upgrading them all day by day. We don’t compare our members’ bodies with “other” bodies and we support our members to be conscious of their bodies’ own potentiality, limits and to improve them also.

We care about what we have today, not the ideal future. We invite everybody who wants to develop perpetual behaviour on care his own body and also to be healthier and happier of course.

JustFit offers many group lessons free of charge in its 2 different studios, each designed according to the content of the lessons.

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JustFit takes its Personal Training service to the next level with free doctor checkups. Because your health is more important than anything.

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